Tuesday, May 15, 2007


Each year on Mother's Day, I take the day off to photograph my own boys. They are usually grumpy at the thought of their mom having her camera pointed at them YET AGAIN, but I give them no choice:-) This year, my 8 year old was outraged (and I do mean outraged) because I asked him to wear flip-flops for the pictures instead of his worn out sneakers. It made for the *perfect* start to picture day.

We explored downtown Durham, which is full of fantastic places to photograph, and nearly deserted on Sunday afternoons. I wanted to share these shots to show another cool location possiblity for portraits. My guys particularly enjoyed being in "jail" (first image.) We found cool alleys, great brick walls, and fun doorways.... the perfect urban backdrop.

And I hope all you moms had a wonderful Mother's Day full of homemade cards, breakfast in bed, and a few extra hugs and kisses from your (possibly grumpy) kids:-)


Sarah said...

I can't wait for our session this Sunday!

MegRNC said...

I can't believe how big your boys are getting!!