Things have been oh so busy here... I've decided I'm just a bad blog updater. And I guess that will have to be okay, since I'm always working to get everyone their pictures:-) But I did want to take a few minutes to share the little ones I've had the pleasure of photographing recently.
First up is Cole, and boy was he a DOLL! He was about 6 weeks old when I photographed him and he was already smiling and happy. Such a precious boy!

This is my beautiful client (and now dear friend) Elizabeth's dad, Cliff. We recently did a session with their family. You see, Cliff is battling cancer and of course we needed an opportunity for him to wear his Life is Good "Half Full" shirt! And let me tell you, Cliff personifies that saying. Seeing their family together and how much they truly love each other was as much a gift to me as the pictures will be for them.

Two of Cliff's grandkids, Eli and Owen, wearing their age-appropriate wear! (I've been photographing Eli since he was still in his mommy's tummy!)

Luke and Isabel. Last time I saw Isabel, she was about Luke's age. And now she is FOUR... she went and grew up on me! Truly such a fun session for me.

And Ben. Ben went from newborn to one year old almost overnight, it seems. Now he's a big boy, and he made sure to show me all of his cool stuff, like his blocks and his wagon.

This is Ian, and this little guy has the biggest, most adorable eyes you'll ever see. Such a sweet boy!

And Sophie. Sweet Sophie makes my Top 10 Smiliest Babies list. What a happy girl she was. Her parents came to my studio to get some opinions on their wall portraits and I am afraid I was of NO help because I loved them all!

This little chunk-a-munk is named Grant, and belongs to my friend Shannon. Her third boy, which made her my soul sister for sure.

Baby Campbell and her lovely mommy. (Does she not look just FANTASTIC for having just had a baby!?) Campbell was the cutest, tiniest little peanut.

And another beautiful mommy and baby. This is Caroline and her mommy. I've known Caroline's dad since he was 12 (he's the younger brother of my college roommate.) What a lucky baby to be born into such a wonderful family!

This picture of Lindsey and her little sister Remy just about sums up our session... they were SO fun and, of course, adorable. Mom ordered a large wall portrait of this one and I think it is going to look just gorgeous in their home!

And precious Whit, who happens to be baby Oakley's cousin. (you can see baby Oakley in my last post) It is baby season for this family... lucky grandparents! Whit was such a calm baby for our session. I wanted to pack him right up in my bag and take him home with me!

This picture makes me laugh out loud... I love it so much! This is Landon and he is very much a 3-year old boy. I loved it - and felt right at home since I'm used to the boy mania. Picture of his cute little sister will be coming in another blog post:-)

And last but not least, Henry. He was so sweet and we had such a nice morning together!

So as the holidays quickly approach (at least for me... whose holiday season starts in August/September), I will not promise to post more, but I WILL promise to at least try. I have many more pictures to post that would not fit into this one... so much cuteness, so little time!
Oh my gosh, that first one! Love!
I love your makes me smile!
Always love your work! Yes, the first one is perfection, and the "half full" is so inspirational. Oh--you've been tagged! See my blog for the details! :-) Have fun!
I always feel honored to have my special guys featured on your site!
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