This was an entirely new experience for me, as my own babies were full term and home within a few days. It amazed me to see these perfect, tiny babies - some only a few pounds and born several months before their due dates - and witness modern medicine in action. Almost everyone has seen pictures of premature babies, but until you actually see dad's wedding band slip over the hand onto the arm, like a tiny little gold bracelet, it is hard to grasp just how small they are.
It was a pleasure to volunteer my time to this project, and I am really looking forward to seeing the finished result!
This picture touches me to the very depths of my soul. Once again, I am speechless viewing an amazing picture you've taken but this time it's not even my child! For you to have never had a preemie and still know what and how to capture that experience is beyond my realm of comprehension. I only wish I had known you when Chloe was born 11 weeks early. I would love to see more of these and even possibly consider purchasing one as it doesn't have to be "HER" to feel what this picture conveys. Does that make sense?
Anyways, amazing job!
Please make a slideshow so we can see!
I was tearing up just reading about the time you spent in the NiCU...pregnancy hormones are taking over.
What an amazing project Gretchen! I hope you'll share more of the images. This one is so precious and touching!
Please do put up the slide show. What an amazing gift you are giving to the parents of those tiny, tiny babies and to the families of all the babies who will call that NICU home after their early arrivals.
And from the mother of a preemie...thank you.
Take care!
What a wonderful gift you are giving to the parents of those babies and to all of the other families of the babies who will call the NICU home after their early arrivals.
Please do share a slide show - I'd love to see those pictures!
And from the mother of preemie - thank you for giving your time to such a worthy project.
Take care and happy Thanksgiving.
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