Liza and Greta, who invited me to "stay and play house" after our session:

Lila, whose smile could light up a room:

Nora, who was just starting to sit up and was a cute as a button:

The ever-darling Kailey. This was my 5th time photographing her since she was a teeny tiny new baby:

James, who had also just learned to sit up and was such a happy, precious boy:

Jacob, who had changed so much since I saw him over a year ago. This was Jacob's 4th session:

Cute little man Jack, who was showing off his abilities to stand in his crib:

Greyson. She was just a doll and so cooperative at our session:

Ben, who was seriously one of the happiest kids I have EVER photographed:

Eliza and little brother Jake. Eliza entertained us by catching frogs (in her dress) at our session:

And last but not least, Nora's big brother Will. I loved this one of him playing peek-a-boo with me: